București, Romania
Strada Zăgazului 13-19
+40 728849257
If you ask Why Pilates? For so many of us, Pilates is much more than an exercise method - it is a way of life. A fusion of the mind and body based on the reawakening of dormant muscle and brain cells, Pilates gives us the opportunity to live a life where the gap between functional motion and enlivened thought has been bridged.
Shape.Art.Pilates. is the first studio in Romania that is offering a full scale customized Pilates Classes with unique equipments called reformers. These special Pilates Reformers are produced by Balance Body from the United States of America which is the world’s largest manufacturer of Pilates Equipments.
In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 you'll see the difference, and in 30 you'll have a new body
The best pilates studio in town!
Pilates gets your mind in harmony with your body.
Recomand cu tot dragul, bine pregatiti si cu mult bun simt, nu te simti aiurea ca nu stii ce sa faci. Revin de fiecare data cu drag.
Recomand ! Echipa super profesionistă! Bine antrenați si cu studii solide in materie. Nu lipsesc niciodata atentia si bunul simt. Mi am propus sa vin la ei tot restul zilelor mele :) Bravo, Dottore Andrei Ispas ! Bravo echipa !
Recomand Shape Art Pilates! Angajatii sunt foarte bine pregatiti si amiabili, gata oricand sa iti dea un sfat prietenos. De asemenea, sala este foarte bine intretinuta, iar cei de acolo au grija ca pe tot parcursul zilea sala si aparatele sa fie curate.
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