Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Strada Caisului 16
+40 264430175
This is a good medical center if you want to do a medical examination in an expedient and professional manner. I only wish the staff at the counter would be more professional and courteous. They need to learn to greet new customers entering immediately with a smile and a kind question, they need to learn to say we are very sorry we are unable to do something when they can't, once they take over a customer they need to stay focused and not abandon the customer for a phone call or other duties, and they need to tend to customers first when there are customers waiting. Also, if they somehow upset a customer by making him wait, they need to apologize and never give him an attitude and become confrontational when he dares to bother them to do their work. This place really needs some customer relations training, may I suggest at least having them watch some youtube videos on the topic.
Recoman, de fiecare dată am fost tratați cu respect.
Păcat ca nu se pot da steluțe cu minus.Dacă vrei sa te simți ca într-un spital de stat din cel mai amărât oraș din România atunci vă recomand cu încredere acest loc.Am mers cu copil de 7 săptămâni având programare de la ora 10 bineînțeles am așteptat 40 de minute să intram.Un haos total la recepție pacienți de toate vârstele care așteaptă in hol și pe scări de ai impresia că ești la balamuc.Nu recomand nici dușmanilor
Nuuu recomand sub nici o forma nu respecta programarile si atitudinea de la receptie este de cel mai jos nivel asa ca nu are rost sa va pierdeti timpul
Nu se respecta programarile pt covid absolut deloc.
Recomand. De fiecare data cand am sunat pentru analize cu bilet de trimitere, au fost fonduri.
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