Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Babes-Bolyai University
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dada VFC
Probably one of the best universities from Romania, with a large amount of positive recommendations and great impressions! Lot of specialties, amazing...
No reviews yet.
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Technical University Of Cluj-Napoca
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Iuliu Hatieganu University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Hi Irfan Shah, I information on this university \Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca\. Can I have your email address plea...
Gheorghe Dima National Music Academy
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Lucian Veliman
I was at a very good Mozart concert by Arcadia quartet.
The Polytechnic University Of Timisoara
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Timișoara, Romania
Felix Iacob
This is a nice old building placed in the center of the Timisoara. It still looks good after years of misusing in the comunism. A restorante is workin...
Univ. Ştefan Cel Mare-Fac. De Silvicultură
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Suceava, Romania
Facultatea De Construcții Timisoara
Daniel Trotea
University Politehnica Of Bucharest
București, Romania
Claudiu Puscas
This review will only touch the campus part of the university, as a visitor. Great campus, with lots of trees and green spaces. It's basically a park....
Technical University Gheorghe Asachi Iasi
Iași, Romania
Liviu Enache
It's ok
Universitatea De Medicină Şi Farmacie \Grigore T. Popa\
Vasile Radu
While it's a Medical University, a lot of students are praying around.
Faculty Of Psychology And Education Sciences
Ioaniciu Daniel
Never answer to the phone, unlike the other faculties..
Faculty Of Physical Education And Sport
Marius Paduraru
One of the best faculty of sports from Romania.
Faculty Of Economics And Business Administration
Read, Watch and Learn
Bucharest University Of Economic Studies
Somehow impressive, somehow not but, for sure, one of the most prestigious universities in Romania, founded in 1913 as an academy for commercial studi...
University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Ion Ionescu De La Brad
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Georgiana Tanasa-Arcus
It's a university with amazing landscaping.
Facultatea De Arhitectură G. M. Cantacuzino
Constantin Miluta Mares
Faculty Of Geography And Geology
Lucian Ionescu
Among the \illustrious\ descendants of Grigore Cobălcescu who by his work in 1962 \Calcariul de la Răpidea\ (”The Limestone of Rapidea” - nature reser...
Faculty Of Computer Science
Tudor Scutari
Horrible teaching , stress untill christmas day , until 23rd of december , absolute crazy teachers , cruel , unforgiving and unfare attitude towards s...
Faculty Of Philosophy And Social-Political Sciences
Faculty Of Orthodox Theology
Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Romania
Viorel Laiu
Facultatea De Biologie Din Cadrul Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iași
Paul Donciu
O instituție de prestigiu din acest oras
Faculty Of Automatic Control And Computer Engineering
Trustfeed Score 4.0
claudiu florea
Great school that guarantees jobs in IT&C
Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering
Adi-Eduard Leustean
Made me an engineer.
Academia Navala \Mircea Cel Batran\
Constanța, Romania
Cristian Mocanita
Best place to learn the art of being a seafarer. Nice!
Universitatea Maritimă Constanta
Benedict Eregbene
One of the best maritime university in eastern Europe
Rector University Of Bucharest
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Alexandru Nicusor Matei
Finally a modern facility for the teachers and students of The University of Bucharest.
Faculty Of Physics
Sebastian Popescu
Universitatea „Ovidius” Din Constanța
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Ιάσονας ζωή
One of the MOST CORRUPTED educational institution in Romania. Earning your degree from this place is worthless and a total waste of your time.
Ion Mincu University Of Architecture And Urbanism
Remus Serban
One of the places where all hope and joy goes to die after a long, self-imposed, convalescent exile. I've yet to meet a happy graduate (or non-graduat...
National School Of Political And Administrative Studies Snspa
Nicoleta Velicu
O institutie bazata pe nepostisme si preferinte de tip familial. Am candidat pt un post vacant in cadrul universitatii. Avand studii superioare final...
Henri Coandă Air Force Academy
Brașov, Romania
Aganur Merdanov
Science College
Oradea, Romania
National University Of Music Bucharest
Toader Daniel
Beautiful place! The sounds of music and people singing haunt the hallways here.
Carol I National Defense University
michael cirnu
i wonder if the guys working for such an important institution will ever answer my request: it’s been more than ten days since I requested a public in...
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy
Transilvania University
Narie Silviu
I work here
Faculty Of Chemistry
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Faculty Of Roman Catholic Theology
Lex et Honor
Dura lex, sed lex.
University Vasile Alecsandri
Bacău, Romania
jubayer ahmad
good university
Rectorat Universitatea Din București
National University Of Arts
Nicoleta Coman
The place where you become an artist
Vasile Alecsandri University Of Bacău - Mărășești Campus
Very good university in Romania, surely the best from the Bacău Judet. It's not quite a big one, but with two campuses which are small but very nice. ...
University Valahia
Târgoviște, Romania
Students come here to pay the college taxes. But the place looks really good.
Center For Foreign Languages Of Staff Of Land Forces Sibiu
Sibiu, Romania
Faculty Of Economic Sciences - Lucian Blaga University Of Sibiu
Andreea Anamaria
Rectoratul Universității De Medicină Și Farmacie ,,Carol Davila\
The University Of Pitești
Pitești, Romania
Nick Pourmi
Modern, clean, high quality building materials.
Faculty Of Textile, Leather And Industrial Management
Iulia Lupu
O locație care merită văzută și promovată. Un personal didactic foarte bine pregătit în domeniul textil și nu numai.
Faculty Of Theology
Craiova, Romania
Mihai Radoi
Facultatea de Teologie din Craiova
Departamentul De Geologie
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Departamentul Pentru Educație Continuă, Învățământ La Distanță Și Cu Frecvență Redusă
Informatică Aplicată Și Programare
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Institutul De Cercetări Socio-Umane Gh. Şincai
Târgu Mureș, Romania
Visual Arts And Design Faculty
not very well mentained but the students are working very hard!
Universitatea De Medicină, Farmacie, Științe Și Tehnologie,Târgu Mureș
Faculty Of Electronics, Telecommunications And Information Technology
Daniel Sergheenco
O instituție de nota 10! Profesori de rang înalt. O atmosferă academică plăcută atât pentru vizitatori, cât și pentru studenți!
Departamentul Masini-Unelte Si Scule
Uaic Școala Doctorală
Nice view over the top.
Agence D'aide Aux Inscriptions En Roumanie
New Life
vous êtes les meilleurs merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour moi , votre efficacité , votre dévouement et votre respect envers vos clients est ...
Cluj School Of Public Health
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Dorel Oprea
Universitatea Tehnică
Facultatea De Inginerie Industrială, Robotică Și Managementul Industriei
Ciprian Felecan
Educație la cel mai înalt nivel!
Faculty Of Theology, Letters And Sport
Roberto Cristian Visan
Universitatea din Pitești este o universitate cu tradiție și adesea cu performante notabile.
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai - Facultatea De Inginerie
Reșița, Romania
Upg, Corp J
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Ploiești, Romania
University Constantin Brâncuşi
Târgu Jiu, Romania
Adrian Radu Andrasi
Bbte - Gyergyószentmiklósi Tagozat
Gheorgheni, Romania
Marin Chindea
Spațiu și servicii excelente
Pebbles International Srl - Studymedabroad.Com
Kiran Kumar
StudyMedAbroad standsout from all other educational consulting firm. Their professionalism and customer care is second to none. Their staffs are very ...
Baba Caia Hostel
Coronini, Romania
Delta One
Personally haven't visited the hostel, however they are the only business that can arrange a cruise to Golubac Fortress on the Serbian shore and Ostro...
Iuliu Hațieganu University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
"Grigore T. Popa" University Of Medicine And Pharmacy Of Iași
Politehnica University Of Bucharest
Facultatea De Mecanică
Bucharest National University Of Arts
Filiala Botoșani - Universitatea De Medicină Și Farmacie Gr. T. Popa Iași
Botoșani, Romania
Facultatea De Inginerie Industrială, Robotică Și Managementul Producției
Faculty Of Electrical Engineering, Energetics And Applied Informatics
Clădirea Practipass
Camin A5
Universitatea Din Pitești
Facultatea De Litere
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Din Cluj-Napoca
Facultatea De Constructii Si Instalatii Iasi
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Of Iași
Direcția Informatizare Și Comunicații Digitale Universitatea Tehnică "Gheorghe Asachi" Din Iași
Staţiunea De Cercetare Ştiinţifică Şi Practică Studenţească „Simion Mehedinţi” - Facultatea De Geografie Și Geologie Iași
Facultatea De Sociologie Și Asistență Socială
Centrul De Studii Si De Cercetare Sighisoara
Sighișoara, Romania
Cercul Studentesc De Neurostiinte
Universitatea A.I. Cuza - Filiala Botoșani
Trustfeed Score 1.0
A4 Dormitory
Camin Studentesc C5
Facultatea De Inginerie Tehnologică Și Management Industrial
A1 Dormitory
Departamentul De Științe Ale Educației
University Nicolae Titulescu
Umft - Medical Informatics And Biostatistics
Facultatea De Teologie Greco-Catolică, Departamentul Oradea (Univ. Babeş-Bolyai)