Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Ecce Education Center
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Suceava, Romania
Un centru adaptat nevoilor actuale de invatare prin joc si joaca ale copiilor nostri!
No reviews yet.
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Trustfeed Score 3.0
București, Romania
Cursuri Manager
Iași, Romania
Expert Business Center
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Vilceanu Elida
O echipă exceptională! Organizatorii si formatorii EBC sunt exceptionali, implicati 100% in organizarea si sustinerea cursurilor, cert este că nici u...
Bittnet Training
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Andrea V
Nice place, I like the office, the course and the trainer. But I cannot stop wondering why on Earth you are not collecting trash selectively? By law s...
Magic Theater
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Bálint Hajagos
Superb! The kids really enjoyed the show. Friendly place, and nice atmosphere. I'm sure we will be back soon.
1-2-3 Education - Educational Center Tătăraşi
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Smart Hr
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Laura Adam
Great achievements! Dynamic team! Professionalism and dedication!
Pravalia Parintilor
Lan Team Solutions
Dej, Romania
Angela Rus
Lectoform Consulting
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Bacău, Romania
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Quartz Matrix
Cosmin Lupu
The exam went fine, still the computers look to be pretty old, but I think it doesn't make sense for Quartz Matrix to invest in better computers. It w...
Tutoring Center T.O.P.
Serban Alexandru
Un concept nou, foarte bun care sper sa se dezvolte cat mai repede si cat mai mult.
Mirunette International Education
Razvan Anti
A very well prepared staff!
Business Days Romania
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Robert Zanescu
Lots of participants, great for meeting people. Everybody is in selling mode, almost nobody in shopping mode :(. No coffee or water available after 3p...
Ion Neculai
a place for meaningful child learning experiences!
Albion International Study
Genius Afterschool
Alexandru Ionescu
Asteptam detalii ! Ok
Edmundo - A World Of Education
Alex Spataru
Thank you for helping me applying to 5 Universities in UK. It took me one hour to complete the UCAS profile after they gave me the best advices ever.
Bodo Minea
Professional displays for sale. Good products and consultancy.
Smart Kids
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Piatra Neamț, Romania
Raluca Pavel
Este un loc minunat pentru copii. Copilul meu a crescut acolo de la 1an si 10luni. Mancarea este de buna calitatea si pana la varsta de 4ani nu au fo...
Dana Ilies Soulkids Mentor & Coach
Paul Nitu
O experienta absolut necesara pentru toti parintii care isi doresc un copil cu mentalitate de invingator! Dana are foarte multa rabdare, isi da tot i...
Student Consulting
Integraledu, București
Sc Best Smart Consulting Srl
Azimut Happy Employees
Andrea Marginean
Super echipa, super experienta!:)
Althera Evalcov
Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania
Alex Cristea
Highly recomend it!
Iec Edvisory Bucharest
Tehne- Centre For Innovation In Education
Meditatii La Matematica - Prof. Dumitru Olteanu
iulia gavanescu
Un profesor bun isi lasa definitiv si irevocabil amprenta asupra dezvoltarii armonioase a elevilor sai! Asta pot spune si despre acest om minunat, p...
Rodica Nita
Great experience with ECSIF! Discussions in the PM and BA courses were highly focused on real business situations. The coaching meetings were very goo...
After Art - After School
Da, credem cu tărie că suntem cel mai bun centru After şi Before School din Nordul Bucureştiului! Vizitaţi-ne şi vă veţi convinge!
The Trainers
Cosmopolis, Romania
Center For International Studies
Brașov, Romania
Meditatii La Limba Si Literatura Romana
Elite Kinder Center Brasov
Yourway Counseling
Magazinul Pentru Bar.Ro®, Pentru Barmani Si Nu Numai…
Oradea, Romania
licker zsolt
Casa Corpului Didactic
Buzău, Romania
Sc Tara Proiect Srl
Kids Club - Calafat
Calafat, Romania
8176 Prometric Test Center
Trustfeed Score 3.8
County Center For Resources And Educational Assistance Dolj
Craiova, Romania
Marian Nicola
O echipa de profesioniști. Modern, bine organizat, management performant!
Calificare Profesionala
Pitești, Romania
Integral Edu, Timisoara
Timișoara, Romania
Edmundo - A World Of Education (By Educativa)
Yourway Advisors
Paul Dogioiu
O echipă de un profesionalism ireproșabil, compusă din persoane cu o bogată experiență în domeniul consiliatului și al trainingurilor.
Lifelong Learning Solutions S.R.L.
Dorina Niga
Am accesat cursul de PCM din dorinta de a utiliza un instrument care sa ma ajute sa dezvolt o comunicare cat mai eficace si eficienta cu cei cu care ...
Etiquess Business Class
K K International Studies
Trustfeed Score 4.0
timisoara romania, Romania
Fundatia Pentru Educatie Si Dezvoltare Mediapro
Plus Training
Iec Edvisory Iasi
Doctor Sorin
Ficz Antal - Leadership Coach
Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság
Kmdsz Karrieriroda
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Romanian Teaching Institute
Open Education
Centrul Educational Olimp
Sorin Constantinoaia
Aici gasiti o echipa dedicata performantei si studiului. Mult Succes!
Cabinet Psihologie Lavinia Petrosanu
Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
Diana Dyidiy
O doamnă extraordinară, foarte dedicată profesional, care știe să îmbine utilul cu plăcutul, terapia prin joacă dând randament cu rezultate uimitoare...
Cernat Alina-Maria
Great people, wonderful experiences- I highly recommend them!
Edalt Institute
Cisnădie, Romania
Integral Edu
Galați, Romania
Târgu Mureș, Romania
Dorothee Drell
I was very late with my application and used the one University application plan by Study in Ro. They were very fast and helpful, I always got answers...
Heduguide Study In Romania
Edi Varga
Good service. Very communicative and always fast to answer any questions I had regarding my Diploma.
Sc Pinnsole Solutions Srl
Integral Edu, Constanta
Constanța, Romania
Florin Stan
This is a joke , putting money in there accounts evrey day hundreds off dollars to get an work and travel contract , after over a month still nothing...
Alexandra Maftei
It was an awesome experience working with them, that led to my acceptance into all the universities I applied to! I highly recommend!
Study Medicine In Romania ( دراسة الطب في رومانيا ) تحصیل پزشکی دندانپزشکی در رومانی
Alăptare Iași -Cristina Petcu Ibclc
Valea Lupului, Romania
Multipath Expert
Smart Creativ Managament
Atestate Informatica
Mirela Caraghiorghe
proiecte de nota 10
Almouwafak Prestării Servicii Srl
New Horizons Foundation
Plus One
Elisabeta Olah
A fost o surpriză super ok !!!
Punct De Lucru Stephan Agrement S.R.L.
Retetar Online
Techirghiol, Romania
The Futurekit
Personact - Teatru Utilitar
Iec Edvisory Cluj
Educationusa Advising Center
Bucharest, Romania
High Edu
Science Point
The Code Detox
Clubul De Cultura
Claudiu Petrescu
foarte interesante tururile culturale oferite
Vreau Sa Fiu Jurnalist
Ioan Oprea
Et4dgfhcczhhxz cfcxgfgryy475r74r7turtufh bxbfgryt467tdjfofdrdhuxbdhotwaz b. Bhnuy7 .,
Premium Edu
Miruna Anton
I had such an amazing experience with Premium Edu! They have been of a great help when it comes to finding my passion and the most appropriate univers...