București, Romania
Strada Soldat Alexandru Magatti numarul 9
+40 722456564
I found the studio on google, but when I met Simona was the moment I wanted to know more about yoga and practice more. The classes are thought for the level of each and everyone. Before I strated I was diagnosed (ct scan) with back problems which disappeared after few months of practice. The energy created during the class is energizing and motivating to do yoga even out of the studio. Simona explains the fundamentals of yoga very simple, so we can use it in our day to day life. I started with 12 weeks hatha yoga for beginners, followed by classes of yin yoga and full course of flexible yoga. I didn't miss a class! I recommend from all my heart to everyone who doesn't know from where to start. Namaste
I met Simona last year in Rishikesh and I'm glad that I got to meet such an amazing person. Her energy is so pure and vibrant that it brings joy in your life. She is the most humble and honest person I've ever met in my life. Also, her passion for learning yoga and spreading the practice sets her apart from the others. I'll definitely recommend qyogaflow to anyone looking to learn yoga in Romania. I believe that sim touches the hearts of people wherever she goes and I wish her all the best. Namaste!
Cu Simo am descoperit yoga si, mai ales, ca yoga inseamna mult mai mult decat asane. Clasele sunt accesibile, faptul ca participa un numar restrans de cursanti inseamna mai multa atentie acordata fiecaruia. Iar India Yoga Retreat din decembrie 2017 a fost o experienta extraordinara. India vine cu multe lectii, nu tocmai usoare, iar daca vreti sa asimilati cat mai mult din ele si sa le treceti lin, recomand retreaturile organizate de SImo. Si desigur clasele de yoga.
Simona este o inspiratie, un om deosebit, cu o energie si vibratie înalte, o persoană care te inspira, un om bun si frumos, un adevărat maestru! Recomand cu toată căldura cursurile si ateliere pe care le tine!
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