The Institute for Participatory Democracy Euro Qvorum is rated 3 out of 5 in the category international affairs. Read and write reviews about The Institute for Participatory Democracy Euro Qvorum. The Institute for Participatory Democracy Euro Qvorum is a non-governmental organization whose main objective is stimulating citizen participation and that of social partners in the formulation of policies at a national and European level. Our vision is that of a strong and cohesive Romania, coupled with European values and decision-making process. We believe that Romania, the seventh largest country of the EU, can and should play an important role in shaping the post economic crisis Europe. This goal can only be achieved by professionalization at European standards of the new generations of national and regional leaders in civic, political, administrative and economic areas. Our misson is to support the work of public and private institutions, alongside political parties by coagulating and disseminating expertise in the form of advanced training programs, seminars, research and educational projects. We believe that Romania needs political stability and legislative predictability in order to ensure the social, political and economic modernization of the country, which can only be achieved through a continuous dialogue.
Strada Stirbei Voda